When Good seed finds good soil lives change.

Matthew 13:23

Welcome to Cedar Hill 

ON-SITE SERVICE AND LIVESTREAM.   We are grateful that we can provide a livestream of our weekly worship service and other special services or events.  This is a ministry to our congregation as they travel abroad or experience the restrictions that come from health needs or other schedule conflicts.  It also serves as an outreach to our neighbors and our greater community.   We are grateful that you can connect with us in this way.  And we invite everyone to join us in person as soon as you are able and thus benefit from the practice of corporate worship and fellowship (Hebrews 10:19-25)

If you would like to receive the weekly Prayer Update or Events Update, you can email the office and request to be placed on the email distribution list.  
We would love for you to join us in person and benefit from connecting in community and corporate worship.  But if you are unable to join us in person, we invite you to join us online each Sunday for our LiveStream service that begins at 10:45 am.  You can also viewer most recent services that are maintained on our LiveStream page.
We are still in the process of moving content from our old website to our new site, and not all of the content is available yet.  The best way to access the content is to download the church app in either the Apple Store (Cedar Hill Church app) or Google Play (Cedar Hill Church app) depending on your device.  The archived teaching ministry is available here first and is easily accessible while on the go.


Dependent on What God Provides

Fall of 2023 Sermon Mini Series 

The Reformation was a vital event in the history of the church.   October 31, 2023, marked the 506th anniversary of what is considered the starting point of the Reformation.   Pastor Green examined the five central tenets or affirmations that served as a clarion call to the church as it sought to preserve the gospel and to contend earnestly for the faith at a crucial point in history. Give them a listen under the "Resources >> Sermons" tab!

Join us for Wednesday Night Prayer

"They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer." Acts 2:42.

Join us Wednesday evenings at 7pm for a time of prayer and break outs sessions to pray for each other and our community.  We meet in person at Cedar Hill or online via Zoom. 
Easter — the celebration of the Resurrection — is always a special Sunday.  For this event stands at the center of history and, along with the crucifixion, is the very heart of the gospel message.  The fact of Jesus' resurrection is the one claim that distinguishes true biblical Christianity from every man-made religion in the world. And it is the only basis of hope of redemption and the forgiveness of sin.
 This Easter, we go back in time to hear the story of the death and resurrection from the only disciple who was at the cross when Jesus died and also entered the empty tomb on the morning of the resurrection.  He is also the author of not only a Gospel account of the life of Jesus, but also of three epistles as well as the recipient of the final Revelation given to him on the island of Patmos from the Risen Christ Himself!  Come and hear the testimony of this ultimate witness this Easter.
If you missed the Easter Service or would like to engage with it again, select the link or graphic.